Generators & Manifesting Generators: A Guide
5 days ago
6 min read
Human Design charts are deep and layered, and each one is as unique as the person it belongs to. However at the core level, you have four overarching energetic types - each with their own type of aura and a strategy for bringing in correct opportunities.
These are:
Generators - 35% Generators & 35% Manifesting Generators, 70% in total
Projectors - 20% of the population
Manifestors - 9% of the population
Reflectors - 1% of the population.
This series will be a guide for each type, to give you some insights into how their energy works, their common challenges and some suggestions and tips for them.
First up are the Generators! The following information will be applicable for both Generators and Manifesting Generators.
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What is their Signature Theme and their Not-Self Theme?
What is the difference between Generators and Manifesting Generators?
What are Generators?
Generators and Manifesting Generators are the only energetic types which have the Sacral body centre defined. This body centre is the centre for life force energy, fertility and sexuality, which means that these people have consistent and fixed access to these things when operating in alignment.
Therefore Generators literally generate the life force energy of the they are pretty important really! These people are the doers, the builders, the workers - they are the ones who build and maintain civilisation. Their big question in life is "who am I?", and they are here to learn about themselves through using the energy they generate on things which are correct for them.
It is important to note here that the Sacral centre operates in response to things around it in a very yes/no way. Generators wake up each morning with a full tank of fuel to use that day, but that energy will only be available to them when the Sacral centre has responded "yes" (I'll go deeper into the Sacral responses later in this article).
It's like a car engine - when something is correct for them, the Sacral centre responds yes and turns the car engine on, allowing the Generator to utilise the energy in the fuel tank. If they try to force themselves to do things their Sacral centre has not responded yes to, the engine will remain turned off and they will find it difficult to push through and do those things anyway.
They may also find that at the end of they day, they struggle to sleep properly as they have leftover fuel in the tank which has not been used up.
What is their Signature Theme and their Not-Self Theme?
Your Signature theme is essentially the feeling you get when you are operating correctly as yourself. For Generators, this feeling is Satisfaction. The more they use the energy that they have correctly, the more they can end each day with a deep feeling of satisfaction.
Your Not-Self theme is the feeling you get when you are not operating correctly as yourself. For Generators, this feeling is Frustration. The more they use their energy doing things they don't want to do, the more frustrated and stuck they will feel.
How does their Aura work?
The Generator aura is open and enveloping - it envelops everyone in the vinicity in a big bear hug of their energy. It acts like kind of a magnet, bringing people and opportunities towards them. The quality of these people and opportunities will depend on how aligned they are and how much satisfaction or frustration they are experiencing. The more they are using their energy correctly and feeling satisfied, the more their aura will magnetise beneficial things!
What is their Strategy?
Because their defined Sacral centre operates in response, and because their aura magnetises things towards them, the Generator strategy is To Respond. They are not designed to be initiators or go-getters or rushing towards things - rather they are designed to see what their aura is bringing towards them and to act on the things which their Sacral centre responds "yes" to.
This can be anything, from an advert on TV to someone asking them if they fancy pizza for dinner. If it's a yes, they will feel lit up energy buzzing and they will be able to do and work and build that thing for a long time, until their fuel tank runs out. The response will be in the moment - if they are thinking about it, it is a response from their mind, not their Sacral centre and may not be correct.
The Sacral centre is guttural and can be expressed verbally without realising. It may not necessarily respond as the words "yes" or "no" but may be expressed as more of an "uh huh" or "uh uh", or maybe an "ew" or an "mmm" (this would be a no or a not now). But any yes response will have energy behind it.
What is the difference between Generators and Manifesting Generators?
Both Generators and Manifesting Generators have a defined Sacral centre, and they have the same kind of aura and the same strategy. However, the Manifesting Generator also has a motor body centre (Sacral, Root, Solar Plexus or Ego) connected to the Throat centre via at least one channel.
This gives them a different quality of energy and an overall higher energy level than the pure Generators, as well as additional manifesting potential (through response). They have more of a tendency to pivot and do multiple things at once, and they will have their own creative ways of doing things that may not look like anyone else's!
They may feel more of an urge to initiate and start new things in the way that Manifestors do, however they should remember that they are still Generators who are designed to respond - trying to initiate things can lead to them using their energy incorrectly and to feelings of anger and frustration.
Generator Communication
Because of the yes/no nature of the Sacral centre, Generators and Manifesting Generators do better with yes/no questions than with open ended questions.
For example:
Asking them "What do you want for lunch?" will not trigger any Sacral response so they will likely say that they don't know. Or they may say something they think they want mentally but it isn't what they really want and there is no lit up energy behind it.
Asking "Do you want soup for lunch?" will trigger a Sacral response and there will either be a negative noise of some kind (e.g. Uh uh, ew, mmmm etc), or a positive noise of some kind with a feeling of lit up energy behind it (e.g. ooooh! uh huh! etc.)
When communicating with Generators it is usually helpful to pay more attention to their Sacral sounds than to what they say verbally afterwards. If they make an immediate negative noise in the moment but then their mind takes over and says yes with an explanation of why they should do it, it's not actually correct for them because their Sacral said no.
E.g. "Do you want to go for a run?" "Urgh, Ok I suppose I should so I'll go".
Raising Generator Children
For Generator and Manifesting Generator children it is really important that they be active and use their energy correctly. Ask them yes/no questions and listen for their Sacral responses, and where possible don't force them to do things their Sacral centre has responded no to - this will lead to frustration.
They also operate better without formal bedtimes. If they have energy left in their fuel tank at the end of the day, allow them to run it down to empty before sending them to bed - they will naturally drop when it has emptied out completely and they will sleep better for it.
If they are a Manifesting Generator, allow them to pivot and change and do multiple things at once without insisting they stick to any one thing. This is how they are naturally designed to move and restricting this will likely lead to frustration.
Common Challenges
Overriding their Sacral response with logic or mental reasoning. This can lead to them feeling like energy slaves always doing things they don't really want to do.
Not feeling like they have any energy - they don't resonate with the idea of being an energy type at all! This is again due to not listening to their Sacral responses and forcing things they don't want to do.
Assuming that everyone has the same energy levels and energetic consistency as them. 30% of the population do not have a defined Sacral centre and will require more rest than them!
Initiating and pushing for things to happen. This can often lead to frustration and feeling stuck.
Manifesting Generators trying to make themselves stick to one thing. They should allow themselves to naturally pivot and do things in their own way instead of trying to tie themselves to only one thing.
I hope this guide has been helpful for the Generators and Manifesting Generators out there (and their loved ones!).
I would love to hear any comments or questions and if you would like to go deeper into the layers of your Human Design chart you can book a 1-1 Chart Reading with me here.
Have a great day :)