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Who Is She?

31 minutes ago

2 min read

For as long as I can remember, I've been drawn to a certain kind of female character.

The kind of woman who has a sort of strong regal wildness about her, a deep connection to the natural world and who lives in tune with the natural cycles of the earth. She has extensive outdoor skills but also has an intuitive knowing and understanding of other people. A woman who takes direction from no one but herself, who knows and trusts herself unfailingly.

I was inspired by fictional characters who I felt embodied these traits like Ayla from the Earth Children book series, the Disney version of Pocahontas, the Greek Goddess Artemis, and Queen Iseult from The Last Kingdom TV series. Some real world examples would be Jane Goodall and @chelseakauai from Instagram. I have read 'Women Who Run With the Wolves' many times.

I think the reason I am drawn to women like this is not through envy or comparing myself to them, but because I have always felt like this woman is inside me somewhere and hasn't really had the opportunity to properly be set free yet. I feel her from time to time when I travel alone, when I dance, when I journal and at certain times in my cycle, but she still feels restricted.

Woman standing in a tree in a forest

I had thought that I wasn't making any resolutions for 2025 (see my previous post on New Year's resolutions), but true to my self-projected authority (my best decision making process according to my Human Design chart), I woke up this morning and something had shifted in me. It felt like now was the time, time to work on becoming and embodying "Her".

I wrote up a list of suggested things for me to focus on in 2025 to help with this. Because this resolution has come from my authority and not from my mind, this list also felt like it came from a deeper place. These are intuitive suggestions, not hard and fast rules for myself.

  • Health - higher protein, lower carbs and sugar, more vegetables

  • Movement - hiking and pilates (strength and posture), wall climbing

  • Outdoors - resume herbalism studies, bushcraft workshops, travel to wild mountainous places, try growing more plants

  • Intuition - use my knowledge of Human Design to come back to myself when I feel lost and to see, understand and help other people using it

  • Creativity - dance, music, art, blogging, journalling, working as an extra on a film set

  • Natural Living - living according my own cycle phases, the moon phases, the seasons and planetary transits. Purchasing natural and ethical products

I don't know if I will do all of these things throughout 2025 or not. And I don't know where I will be or what my life will look like by the end of the year. But this feels like the right resolution for me and a good place to start.

Here's to becoming "Her" in 2025!

Do you have a "Her" or a "Him"? A kind of character you are continually drawn to?

I'd love to hear if you do :)



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